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Effective Team Bonding Ideas to Use in 2019

According to a report, 99 percent of employees prefer companies where teams discuss and identify issues openly. While 97 percent of individuals think a lack of team spirit severely impacts their productivity.

Furthermore, 86 percent of managers include teamwork skills in promotional criteria. All these statistics indicate that team bonding is a must for any organization. Aware of the benefits, Dubai companies and businesses make sure their teams learn to bond with each other.

Are you interested in training team bonding skills for your employees? Opt for the best company that provide professional team building activities to train your employees’ team bonding skills.

Expert trainers, full of creative ideas and a positive attitude can motivate your team better than anyone else. Read on for some effective team bonding methods in 2019.

Effective Team Bonding Ideas to Use

Effective Team Bonding Ideas 2019

Team bonding is an excellent skill that can help to create a highly productive environment anywhere – let alone office! It builds strong work relationships and encourages cooperation culture at the workplace. Check out the most effective team bonding ideas you can use.

Socializing & Networking

Modern offices use different methods of internal networking like messengers, emails, and instant WhatsApp Groups. Although, the main purpose of these mediums is to communicate official messages, but they can also play a role to build a highly effective team.

Pro Tip: Create a WhatsApp/Skype group and add your team in it. Use this group for employee introductions, important announcements, and chit chat during break time.

Give Interconnected Tasks

Official tasks are either interconnected or not. For instance, if you have two graphic designers, you can ask them to review each other’s work and collaborate to remove weaknesses.

You can also create a special task that involves the entire team – for instance, brainstorming about the upcoming event theme or new product’s name, etc.

Plan Trip or Sports Competition

The idea is a bit informal, but it is incredibly useful to bring out the real team spirit. Since summer is around the corner, so what you can do is to arrange a bonfire or a camping trip.

But if it’s not practical for you, then think of organizing a sports competition for your employees. Events are a great way to bring back the energy in your employees.

Arrange Training & Development Courses

Training and development is a surefire way of employee retention, productivity, and performance improvement. Employee training gives benefit to the company, so it is a profitable investment.

In addition, it is a wonderful idea to motivate your team. It’s because expert trainers offer not only professional training but also them motivate people and push them back on track.

So, find a professional company and invest in the best training courses in Dubai to ensure 100 percent results. Training consultants offer useful team building and other professional courses that are beneficial for everyone.


Hope you like the team bonding ideas. In the end, it is critical to reinforce the notion of team bonding. The fact is behind successful companies and products – there are hardworking teams.

Apple – is nothing without its team; similarly, Google, Lever Brothers, Facebook and there are tons of examples of great teams. The reason is business success is not in the hands of a single individual.

Team building activities are must and without it, no company can thrive. So, choose the best team building course and foster team bonding skills in employees.

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